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Building Regulations



(1) No building may be started in ALLOA without proof of the following permits:

  • A. Township Building Permit

  • B. Township Septic Permit

  • C. Site Plan: No lot can be cleared until a certified (notarized) SITE PLAN has been submitted to the ALLOA Board. The site plan must clearly reflect the location of the proposed house , driveway, well and septic field.

  • D. The building coordinator for the Board of Directors shall clearly photograph the road area prior to construction to provide a reference point to determine if any damage has occured to ALLOA roads at completion of construction. The home owner bears all costs associated with bringing the ALLOA road surfaces back to the condition prior to the start of construction.

    • 1. All road surfaces will be inspected by the ALLOA Board.

    • 2. Installation of culvert pipe under driveway is mandatory.

    • 3. A township Certificate of Occupancy (CO) is on file with ALLOA.

    • 4. Satisfactory inspection of the roads by ALLOA Board. Any damages incurred by the builder, their employees, vendors or subconctractors will be borne by the lot owner.

    • 5. All repairs made by the lot owner shall be inspected to the ssatisfaction of ALLOA


(2) NO building may be started and/or driveway installed, on any lot unless and until a culvert pipe is in place under the projected driveway entrance as prescribed by ALLOA. The culvert pipe must be placed on or inside the front property line. This must be done even if the ALLOA drainage ditches are not yet in place. The culvert pipe must be a minimum of 15" (*) in diameter and span the entire width of the projected driveway. (*NOTE) IN SOME LOCATIONS, WHERE GREATER WATER FLOW IS EXPECTED, THE MINIMUM WILL BE INCREASED TO 24". Concrete pipe is preferred, but steel is acceptable.


(3) A copy of all building plans must be submitted in advance to be retained by ALLOA.


(4) No building shall be located on any lot nearer than 50' to the front or rear lot line, nor nearer that 20' to any sidestreet line, not neared than 15' to an interior lot line.


(5) Easments for installation and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities are reserved over the front 10' of each lot and 5' to the side and rear of each lot.


(6) All homes must be detached single family dwellings, not to exceed 1 1/2 stories in height and a minimum of 625 square feet living space on the ground floor.


(7) All buildings with the exception of a private garage, for not more than 2 cars and 1 storage shed must be used for residential purposes only.


(8) The MAXIMUM of one single family dwelling is permitted on each approved building lot.


(9) No excavations shall be made on the lot except for the purpose of septic testing and or building thereon and only at the time when building operations are to commence. No earth or sand shall be moved from the premises except as part of such excavation, without the written consent of the ALLOA Board. Septic test holes must be refilled with the material previously excavated when tests are completed.


(10) No structure of a temporary character, trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or any other out-building shall be used on any lot, at any time, as a residence either temporarily or permanently.


(11) No dwelling may be occupied until a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) has been issued by Pocono Township and a copy supplied to ALLOA Board.


(12)& (13) No individual water supply system or individual sewage disposal system shall be permitted in any lot or building site unless such a system is located, constructed and equipped in accordance with the requirements, standards and recommendations of the State and /or local public health authorities.


(14) No trucks with a gross weight exceeding 5 tons may use and/or cross the Alpine Lake Memorial Bridge.


(15) Tracked vehicles are not permitted on ALLOA roads.


(16) All builders must submit a certificate of liability insurance with the ALLOA Board prior to the start of construction.


(17) Any damage to ALLOA property or roads caused by construction vehicles will be the responsibilty of the lot owner who employed them.


(18) Speed limit for ALL VEHICLES OF ANY TYPE is 15 MPH.


(19) No lot may be cleared of brush and/or trees, nor burning of any nature whatever without the written consent of the ALLOA Board.


(20) Any house built at Alpine Lake must have the exterior completed and rough graded within 6 months of start or ALLOA has the right to have the work completed and charge the lot owner actual expenditures for doing so.


(21) All houses must be constructed on foundations of either concrete block or poured concrete.


(22) Builders must provide suitable "Porta Johns" for use during all construction.


(23) Due to the wind factor at Alpine Lake, all homes will be secured to their foundations with a minimum of 20 hald inch cement anchored bolts.


(24) All foundation footers must be set a minimum of 48" below grade on undisturbed soil.


(25) All unnatural runoff (gutters, french drains, etc) may not drain into adjoining properties.


(26) No blasting will be permitted unless the ALLOA Board has been notified in advance (5 working days) and been provided proof of contractor competence/certification and damage insurance.


(27) Any home which is to be heated with fuel oil or kerosene and has an exterior fuel tank, that tank and wooden support system should be inspected to prevent a major spill to the environment or you may check into replacing your tank wth an AGT above ground containment unit. Any spill will be forwarded to the DEP and the homeowner bears responsibility for any and all cleanup costs. Remember, our lake water funnels into federal waters!




(29) All contractor construction work will take place during the hours of 7AM and 6PM and no work will be permitted on Sundays. The only exceptions are emergency repairs with ALLOA Board approval.


(30) All new major construction by contractors requiring Building Permits require the use of an appropriate sized dumpster for disposal of all building materials.


(31) A fine of $100 a day will be levied by ALLOA for all non-compliance of these rules.



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